Vivo is expected to launch new smartphones in India soon. A recent report claimed that two handsets were recently spotted on the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) website, suggesting an imminent launch in the country. They are expected to be the Vivo V50 and the Vivo Y19e. The former could be a rebrand of the Vivo S20, which was unveiled in China in November 2024. Previously, the purported Vivo V50 appeared on Taiwan's National Communications Commission (NCC) website, which suggested its design, dimensions, and battery details.
Vivo V50, Vivo Y19e Spotted on BIS Website
Vivo smartphones with the model number V2427 and V2431 were spotted on the BIS website, according to a MySmartPrice report. They are said to be the Vivo V50 and the Vivo Y19e, respectively. The report notes that an earlier NBTC listing confirms the former moniker, while a previous IMEI listing suggested the latter. The BIS listing does not reveal much about the expected handsets but hints at the imminent launch of the phones in India.
The NCC listing of the Vivo V50 suggested that the phone will launch in blue, grey and white colour options. It is expected to have a design similar to the Vivo S20 model and is said to be a rebrand of the phone. Connectivity options are expected to include Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth, NFC, and GPS.
The Vivo V50 is expected to measure 160mm in length and 75mm in width, however, its expected thickness is not yet known. The height and width of the purported handset are similar to the Vivo S20's dimensions of 160 x 74 x 7.9mm.
The older NCC listing suggests that the Vivo V50 could get a 5,870mAh rated battery, which will likely be marketed as 6,000mAh. It is expected to support 90W wired fast charging. Notably, the Chinese version of the Vivo S20 carries a 6,500mAh battery with support for 80W fast charging.
We can expect to see more details about the Vivo Y19e surface online soon. It will likely join the Vivo Y19 lineup which includes the base Vivo Y19 and Vivo Y19s.
from Gadgets 360
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