Apple's AirTag, that helps users track their belongings, was introduced in 2021. The Cupertino-based tech giant is expected to unveil the second generation of the smart tracker soon. A rumoured AirTag 2 has surfaced online over the past few weeks. Although the company has yet to confirm the tracker, its probable launch timeline has been tipped. It is said to come with several improvements over the existing version. The latest reporting on the device suggests that the AirTag 2 is expected to pack a new ultrawide-band chip, similar to the one found in the iPhone 15.
Apple AirTag 2 New Ultrawide-Band Chip
The anticipated AirTag 2 will carry a new ultrawide-band chip instead of the one used in the current version of the tracker, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman said in his Power On newsletter Sunday. This new chip is said to be "on par with the one introduced in the iPhone 15."
Gurman claimed that the new ultrawide-band chip is expected to increase the Precision Finding range considerably in the second generation of AirTag. This is said to make it easier to track and find items. Currently, depending on certain conditions an item with an attached AirTag can be located from 10 to 30 meters away. With the rumoured new UB chip, that range is expected to triple, Gurman said.
Apple AirTag 2 Launch Timeline
Previous reports have suggested that Apple could launch the AirTag 2 around the “middle of next year,” that is roughly June-July 2025. The purported smart tracker is said to carry the codename B589. It is expected to sport a similar design as the existing variant but get upgraded privacy features.
Since the launch of the first generation AirTag, it has been misused for stalking. Apple is expected to make privacy-focussed changes for the AirTag 2 "to make the new model more tamper-proof." The company will reportedly launch a new smart home display alongside the second-generation AirTag.
from Gadgets 360
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